Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am Flor'ed

Carpet tile is fantastic. Many options come in recycled / recyclable content, it does not use nearly as much waste as your average 12 foot wide rolled carpet, it is sleek and sophisticated, and if something dreadful (red wine stain) ever happens you can just pop up that tile and replace with a fresh new one.  And if you act fast you can get a discount on certain items at!  They have some incredible bold patterns, as well as some good basic solid patterns and textures.  I'll share some pictures of the carpet tile we installed (so easy) in our upstairs bedroom soon!

shop FLORshop rugsorder a sampledesign your ownFLOR squares are the Earth Day gift that keeps on giving back to the earth.  To get ready for Earth Day,for a limited time only, we are offering 20% off all colors of our Fez and Fedora styles.  They are made from up to 80% recycled materials like plastic water bottles. Each square diverts 5 plastic bottles from entering a landfill.  Create an 8? x 10? rug and feel good about turning 150 plastic bottles into sustainable beauty for your home.  Use code FPQAJW at check-out or with customer service to receive 20% off your order of select items.SEE OUR TILE TALES: Visit FLOR Stories for favorite experiences, tips, and creative ideas from FLOR users.WOOLY WOOLY: 100% dye-free, highly-renewable wool.  You can't get more sustainable than that.FLOR COLLECTIONSSHOP BY COLORSHOP BY ROOMConnect with us online:Become a fan of FLOR on FacebookFollow FLOR on TwitterGrab an RSS feed from the FLOR blog

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