Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Technology Tuesday

I don't know if anyone else is as late to the cool technology trends as me....so you may already know the wonders of Pinterest.  I am OBsessed with a capitol OB!  It has opened up a whole new world of creativity and ideas from design, cooking, fashion, and pretty much everything else under the sun.  *Shameless plug time*  You can even follow Anderson Design Group on Pinterest.  Fun fact: did you know Pinterest was co founded by an architect?

Since we are talking creative technology,  I'd also like to share my new designing time saving love - Olioboard.  It is the easiest mood board creator eva.  I used to create image boards in Photoshop, no more!  In a matter of minutes I have created boards like this:

Now my example is the simple of simplest mood boards out there, but does a really good job of getting an idea across to a client.  

Once I get down and dirty I could create boards like this (from asite2bhold):

Gotta love technology.  Unless our world ends up like in Terminator or the Matrix, but we've got a good 100-150 years before that happens :)


  1. Well, Hello there Laura! I just wanted to tell you what a lovely surprise and delight it was to read in my e-mail that you not only liked my Olioboard, "Spring's in Full Bloom" but that you had used it on your blog! Thank you so much for the mention, I can't tell you how honored I feel! Love your blog btw, I've been sitting here with the ole' laptop enjoying it and your website too. Talent abounds and fun writing style, love it and wish you all the best! Lots of Oliolove, Ronda :) (aka asite2behold)also at: http://source4interiors.com/blog/

  2. Oliolove right back at ya Ronda! Did you see Olio's shout out to us on their facebook page? How fun! Perhaps I'll see you around the SoCal design world!
